You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2011.

The truth is boring. My life is really great, I love my job too much and I’ve been working multiple 80 hour weeks which means no posting. What is exciting is that my wife and I have been spending an awful lot of time with the Fertility Doctor in the past few weeks. On Saturday I finished my first hot 5-day date with C.lomid and if all goes well we will be inseminating on Friday. Riveting stuff! My family has a history of being overly fertile so my mother is convinced that I will be yet another one shot wonder. We shall see, we shall see….

On a side note, for those of you who are participating in the Blog Carnival about how having a child/ren changed your marriage, THANK YOU! I’ve always thought that people should elaborate when they say “having children has been really hard on my marriage and yet absolutely wonderful”. I often catch myself saying that marriage is hard work, but not elaborating when I’m speaking to students. It’s not a good practice. We need to talk more openly and honestly about our struggles and share our successes so that we can all learn and grow. Every blog post I’ve read in the carnival has been thought provoking and inspirational. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you read this and haven’t caught the carnival yet, here’s a great place to begin: Love Invents Us


September 2011
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